DBU Connection


DBU Connection Landing Page

DBU Connection Landing Page

Project Description
The requestor requested a centralized landing page which would house links to the pages geared towards their different recruitment areas in order for prospective students to learn more about DBU, request more information, and to get in contact with their admissions counselor. For current students, the landing page provided their advisor’s contact information. The requestor also wanted to encourage their prospective students and current students to “like” or “follow” the DBU Connection social media accounts

My Role
I design the landing page from start to finish knowing the design needed to be responsive, while adapting my design some with the feedback received from the marketing department. The design was developed using Bootstrap. I also tested the landing page across multiple devices to make sure the design displayed correctly no matter which device a user used for visiting the page.

Support DBU Landing Page

Encouraging university support


DBU Homepage

2014 Redesign



Designed webpage banners, TV slides, social media graphics, etc.
